Found below the streets of South London this Victorian beauty is officially known as the Clapham Storm Relief and was found by Zero and Yaz.
I dropped into the 8ft egg with TheVicar and we made our way upstream. After a slippery walk we arrived at the split, each blue and red brick pipe leading to a different section of the overflow chamber. The incoming sewers being the Southern High Level Sewer No*1 and Balham & Clapham Extension interceptors.
The right hand branch lead a short way under a large penstock upto a weir on the sewer. The penstock itself was inoperable with the counter weights sat disconnected in a shallow pool.

The other branch lead to the main part of the overflow chamber which was a symphony of brick curves.
An unexpected surprise was what appears to be one of the wagons used during the construction of the sewer, left upturned on a ledge.